Wed. October 17th
Hi everyone😊! The weather is nice today🌞 とってもよい天...
Hi everyone😊! The weather is nice today🌞 とってもよい天...
Good morning, everybody!! How are you?? I'm happy.☺Ǵ...
Good morning everyone☺ 段々とさむくなってきて、秋らしくなってきていますね🍂...
Good morning everyone😊✨ 今日も麻生校では楽しくプリスクールを過ごしました♪ ...
Good morning, everybody!!How have you been??🤗🎶 二週間ぶ...
Good morning everyone😆🎶 今日も麻生校では、元気よくmorning circle...
Good morning, everyone. Are you ready for having fun??😊...
Good morning everyone♪ How are you?? 地震があり、不安な日々を過ごしていたみんな だと...
Good morning, everybody!! How are you?😊💕 大きな地震がありまし...
Good morning everyone😊🎶 Did you hear the wind howli...