Tue. Feb. 26th; Let’s make airplanes!! (飛行機を作っちゃおう!!)
Good morning, everybody!How are you today??😆✨ There ...
Good morning, everybody!How are you today??😆✨ There ...
Good morning, everybody!! How is the weather today?? It's sunny tod...
Hello everyone😆 今日はsubject(教科)を学びました! English, music, Ja...
Hi, everyone🤗 今日は”Vehicle"の名前を覚える勉強をしました✨ W...
Good morning, everybody! How is the weather today?? Spring has come!! ...
Hello, everyone! How are you doing today? 今日の school でお勉強した事は、最初にFi...
Good morning, everybody!!How are you today??🎵🤩 I'm ...
Long time no see, everybody!!(久し振りだね!!)一週間お休みでしたが元気に過ごしていたかな?😉...
Hello, everyone.😊 今日はまずsweet,sour,spicy,saltyといった味の言い方を覚えまし...
Hi, everyone😊 How are you today? I'm happy!! と元気に答え...