Thu. Feb. 7th; Let’s trace! (なぞってみよう!!)
Good morning, everyone!! How is the weather today?? It's snowy!!...
Good morning, everyone!! How is the weather today?? It's snowy!!...
Hi, everyone☺ 今日はIan先生がレッスンを担当をしてくれました⭐ 今日の本は”GLAD...
Good morning, everybody!How are you?🤨✨ I'm happy!! &...
Good morning, everybody!!How is the weather today?? It's snowy and ...
Hello everyone!⭐ 今日のmorning circleは ”Which do you lik...
Hi, everyone🤗 How are you today? "I'm good!!" 次に”...
Good morning, everybody! How are you?昨夜は風が凄かったけど今朝はなんとか持ち直しました。新しいお友達も...
Hi, everyone!!😊 今日の本は”The Three Billy Goats Gruff" "Is h...
Good morning, everybody!How are you today? I'm sleepy. I'm happy. I...
Good morning, everybody!! How are you??😊 I'm hungry!!(お腹空いた...