Thu. Nov. 15th; Thanksgiving Day(感謝祭)
Good morning, everybody!How is the weather today?? It's rainy today...
Good morning, everybody!How is the weather today?? It's rainy today...
Hello everyone🎵 本日は Do you like-? の文を学びましたね!! Yes, I...
Good morning, everybody!! How are you??🤩 I'm sad...(ちょっと悲しい...
Hello,everyone!!✨ 今日、午前中はgreen fruits をみんなで思いついたものを発表し合いましたね...
Good morning everyone! 今日も楽しく英語を学びましょう! Playtimeでは、積み木で遊んだり、おもちゃ...
Hello,everybody!!🎃👻✨ 今日はハロウィーンウィークだっ...
Happy Halloween, everybody!!🎃🍂🍁お待ちかねのHalloween...
Good morning everyone😊🍂🍁 今日も麻生校では寒さに負けず ...
Good morning, everybody!! How is the weather today? It's cold!!...
Good morning everyone🎶 外はすっかり秋模様ですね、 Octoberはみんなが楽しみにしてい...