Thu. Oct. 18th; Shapes and Halloween characters(形とハロウィンキャラクター)
Good morning, everybody!! How is the weather today? It's cold!!...
Good morning, everybody!! How is the weather today? It's cold!!...
Hi everyone😊! The weather is nice today🌞 とってもよい天...
Hello, everyone😁 story time Who wants to be a witch?(魔女に...
Good morning, everybody!! How are you?? I'm happy.☺Ǵ...
Good morning everyone🎶 外はすっかり秋模様ですね、 Octoberはみんなが楽しみにしてい...
Good morning, everybody!!How are you??😉✨ I'm surpris...
Good morning, everybody!! How are you??🌟😊🌟 ...
Good morning everyone☺ 段々とさむくなってきて、秋らしくなってきていますね🍂...
Good morning, everybody!!How are you??👋😁 I'm happy!...
Good morning everyone😊☀ 今日の麻生校プリスクールでは Halloweenも...